Affordable Ideas to Reach New Heights in Your Yoga Practice


Affordable Ideas to Reach New Heights in Your Yoga Practice

Have you ever felt like there’s something missing from your yoga practice? Maybe you want to be more consistent, or maybe you want to master a new pose. And yet, you’re afraid that throwing yourself into new yoga goals will be too expensive? When you have a routine that’s comfortable, it’s easy to simply go along with it and end up in a rut. These are just a few of the many ways you can break out of that rut and reach a new level in yoga, all while keeping things affordable.

Stretch Yourself 

Yoga clearly involves lots of stretching, but you probably already know that the physical work is also a metaphor for stretching outside your comfort zone. My yoga instructor has always said that nothing in yoga should hurt in a bad way. You know when something hurts in a way that’s not good for your body, but you also know when the stretch is worth it. If you’re simply settling into your yoga poses without feeling that stretch, you may be ready for a challenge.

When you’re ready to lean into the poses a little further, or you’re ready to try something new, props can help you get there. One of the most affordable ways to buy your own props is to find discounts and even get gently used gear through sites like eBay. On eBay, you can find everything you need, whether it’s props like a strap or block, or a new yoga mat or apparel. The best deals are when you can combine those low prices with eBay coupons and cashback promos.

Set an Intention 

At work or in the gym, you may set goals, but in yoga, it’s more common to set intentions. The difference is small, but it’s significant. As the website Yoga Basics explains, setting intentions is less about the end result and more about the process. In a way, this is incredibly freeing because the act of sticking with the process means you’re on the right track. If you aren’t sure where to start, Gaiam breaks down setting intentions into three steps: paring down the clutter in your life that isn’t helpful, tuning into what your heart says, and trusting your gut to find what’s authentic to you.

With your intentions set (whether for yoga, life in general, or a combination of the two), you need tools to stay on track. An affordable way to track all kinds of goals is to use apps, such as Streaks for keeping up with good habits or Headspace to stick with meditation. Besides using an app, a completely free way to stay on the right path is to use mantras. Pick one or two mantras that fit with your intentions, and write them down on sticky notes to keep anywhere you’ll see them frequently.

Practice More Consistently 

You’ve probably heard that quality often matters more than quantity, and this can be said for consistency as well. When it comes to practicing yoga, many of us are not as consistent as we’d like because we feel like we don’t have enough time. In reality, doing a short yoga practice every day can be more beneficial than a single hour-long class in a week. For one of your yoga intentions, consider challenging yourself to do yoga for as little as seven minutes at a time. This can be an affordable intention too because it means you don’t have to go to a class every day. Instead, try quickly practicing yoga at home using a DVD or an app.

When you’re a busy parent trying to raise mindful kids (and remain in the present moment yourself), practicing yoga can be a lifesaver. Okay, maybe not literally, but it’s one of the best all-around activities for your health and well-being. Of course, being a parent is also expensive, which is one reason to keep your yoga goals from being a financial drain. These tips will help you find that balance—between what your yoga practice needs and affordability to stay within your budget.

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